In case you are curious here is this premium vegan bread recipe:
The only modification made was the addition of herbs: rosemary, oregano, thyme and sauté-ed onions (what?! what do you mean "not a herb!?").
I completely messed it up. Poured too hot water into the yeast and later forgot to put it in when it was supposed to be inserted; as a result, the dough didn't ride. It took over an hour in the oven, formed bulletproof crust and stayed completely raw inside. Coda. However, since all the ingredients can be pretty much eaten uncooked, I took the chances and tried this gastronomic catastrophe. Despite the density of a neutron star, the taste was actually quite good. The onions are just right, oregano not overdosed, rosemary is noticeable.
It is now 3.45 am, the bread is cooling on the counter, and... O MIRACLE! First light of the summer!
Behold friends, summer is not a hoax! It is actually here! I saw it arrive with my very own eyes!
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